A City’s Chance to Capture Jobs in the 21st Century
There isn’t much we can do about growth now, and we are starving for it. The lack of high quality assets is evident from the many investment institutions who are now considering high yield debt as a “safe” return. We need inclusive growth for our retirement plans, for higher wages, for a higher return on our savings, etc. One policy we should examine is what some would consider an industrial revolution in space.
The industrialisation of space (from the ground up) is one way to curb unstable inequality trends stemming from hyperfinancialization and now hyperdigitization. First the focus is local and eventually at the federal level.
With all the hype surrounding AI, machine learning, and quantum computing, — space will ultimately create the most „blue collar jobs“ in the 21st century. Space should be an innovation bubble in 10 to 20 years. In 50 to 100 years there will be millions of jobs not only on the ground, but also in orbit.
This is a strong early case for creating an ecosystem with a deep metropolitan labor field full of diverse experts and talent. Ultimately, this is the foundation for building a space industrial complex in any community, regardless of its size.
The Apple’s or Amazon’s of space will emerge/are emerging from these specialised cities.